What is Ruby doing on Rails?
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The pitfalls of realtime-ification
Building realtime applications with Rails has become a no-brainer since Action Cable came around. With Hotwire, we don’t even need to leave the comfort zone of HTML and controllers to introduce live updates to a Rails app. Realtime-ification in every house!
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The ViewComponent library from GitHub is becoming a popular answer to building design systems in server-rendered Rails applications. Let’s understand the basics by creating a fancy component button.
Rails is full of "magic", but if you dig a little, that magic is just some ruby code. For instance there is 1.day.ago, which returns a DateTime object for 1 day ago. Did you ever wonder how does this work? Let's get to the bottom of it.
John recently learned about automatic code coverage analysis, and was very excited to know that not only you can write automated tests, but you can also ensure that 100% of your code is covered by them. This way nothing could go wrong!
An in-depth look at threads vs processes in Ruby web applications, and when you should use each.
Blast from the past
Join me for an honest, sometimes raw retrospective on two decades of building a software development career. We’ll examine how personal philosophy impacts software design—and vice-versa.
The notion of accountability—and its lesser cousin, responsibility—often pop up in the context of business, as if both of those ideas are good things. A culture of accountability, we’re told, is essential to running a business. The word “accountable” appears all over the Scrum guide. I don’t buy any of it. 

Beyond Ruby
How you ship your code to production in a way that is fast and reliable, is a question more engineers and engineering leaders should educate themselves on. The teams and companies that can do both – ship quickly / frequently and with good quality – have a big advantage over competitors who struggle with either constraint.
Over the past decade, branching became a standard for most teams. But it does not bring any benefits to the bottom line: deliver quality software in production at speed. To tell the truth, branches essentially slow us down and impact quality! When they can be avoided, a team’s productivity and confidence will drastically increase.
Library of the week
This gem intercepts and forwards email to a forwarding address in a non-production environment.