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ViewComponent in the Wild I: building modern Rails frontends
Learn why GitHub's ViewComponent library offers a great approach for building modern Ruby on Rails apps, and why you should give it a shot, too!
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At work, as part of a project I’m working on, I wanted to add a new reference to a table. ”Simple enough” - I thought. Spoiler alert, it wasn’t.
When Rodauth came out, I was excited to finally have a full-featured authentication framework that wasn’t tied to Rails, given that existing solutions required either Rails, or at least Active Record. Even though I mainly develop in Rails, I want other Ruby web frameworks to be viable alternatives, so I’m naturally drawn to generic solutions that everyone can use.
Caching might seem a perfect solution to speed up slow database queries. However, caching in Rails apps can be easily misused, leading to poor maintainability or even slower performance than without it.
A visual answer to the question “what data is created when I execute this test?”.
The first day of Euruko 2022 live from Helsinki, Finland.
Blast from the past
Without psychological safety, respect, and trust, none of the following is possible.
Beyond Ruby
Unorganized pull requests are the bane of large codebases. Follow Yash's tips to prevent your PRs from getting roasted in the group chat.

Incidents are scary, but they don’t have to be. As cloud software becomes part of the critical path of our lives, incident response practices at an individual and organizational level are becoming formalized disciplines.
Library of the week
PostgreSQL 15 builds on the performance improvements of recent releases with noticeable gains for managing workloads in both local and distributed deployments, including improved sorting. This release improves the developer experience with the addition of the popular MERGE command, and adds more capabilities for observing the state of the database.