Today we’re going to implement UDP using sockets. We’re going to read raw ethernet frames, IP packets and UDP datagrams and use bitwise operations to tease data out.
It’s widely known that RoR has become an extremely popular web framework. Here are top five reasons why you need to use RoR if you’re starting an ONLINE startup.
There's nothing worse than getting into the office, only to find out that one of the jobs threw an error and didn't complete. You get to a point where testing all the pieces in isolation just isn't good enough. I need to be confident that all of the pieces will work together.
We run on 6-week budgets for most major product work at Basecamp. It’s not that everything has to done in that time, but the self-imposed constraint makes us try. It’s not a deadline, mind you, but a budget.
Developing your "code nose" is something that happens early in your programming career, if it's going to happen at all. I combined all the documented code smells I could find into this reference; most of these smells should be familiar to you.