Duck typing is one of the virtues of the Ruby language, it adds a lot of flexibility to the code, and allows us to use objects of different type. Even though the idea behind duck typing may seem to be straight-forward, it is easy to use it incorrectly.
I’ve been working on a lot of small problems for practice over the last week, and come across several little tips and tricks I’d like to remember. Mostly just methods and ways of writing syntax.
Rails has been around for over 12 years. With concurrent-this and Functional-that always dominating the headlines, how is this framework based on an object-oriented language still worth learning? That’s what I am going to postulate today. Rails is still, very much, worth learning.
I started working in 2006, a decade ago. Such milestone inspired me to look back and point at the mistakes I did, and the kind of advice I wished someone from the profession had told me.
Programming is cognitive work, and programmers perform their best work under intense concentration. While there are external factors that can affect this, the way we work can influence the quality of the outcome the most.
Like Magpies, software developers are unusually smart and curious creatures, almost by definition. But we are too easily distracted by shiny new toys and playthings.