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RailsConf 2020.2 COUCH EDITION
We were all quite saddened to have to cancel our in-person RailsConf 2020 in Portland due to the spread of COVID-19. Nothing can fully substitute for the conference experience. That said, we're delighted to announce that we've engaged several original RailsConf 2020 speakers  to record video versions of their talks.
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We started a small group to involve Avdi, Betsy, and others who’ve expressed grievances or interest in those grievances to work together. And the first project to come out of this group is what we’re calling A May of WTFs. It’s a new category on the Ruby on Rails discussion forum, and it’s going to be a safe space for those WTFs you weren’t going to turn into formal bug reports.
Learn more about how to implement searching and sorting feature quickly in our Ruby on Rails application using the Ransack gem.
Today we will be removing the ancient bootstrap-whatever dependencies from our gemfile, extracting their contents (assets) into /vendor, and precompiling them during application boot.
Remote work
You aren’t operating at full capacity.  We all get that right now: none of us are.  And nobody expects you to.  So please spend zero energy on performing like you’re doing work, or acting extra-responsive, or keeping up a front like things are normal and you’re doing fine. That performance costs you precious energy,  while doing nothing to get us closer to our goals.
Introducing Ruby Next, a transpiler for Ruby.

An unresponsive service can be worse than a down one. It can tie up your entire system if not handled properly. All network requests should have a timeout.
Beyond Ruby
Build the UI for a feature last, so remaining code can be integrated and released.

It’s not always obvious what changed in your code after a git rebase. This tool makes changes more visible and helps you undo them if needed.

Scaling server counts up and down is not about reducing service time. It's about reducing queue time. In a properly configured system, service time is completely independent of queue time.
Blast from the past
Who is responsible for doing stuff in good OO design? In quick summary: Keep your orders and your facts separate, tell as little about yourself as possible, and don't talk to others any more than is necessary.
The challenge is not to write comments for what code does not say, but to write comments for what code cannot say

Repository of the week
Jeremy Evans has recently released Rodauth 2.0, which revamps the multifactor authentication flow, adds active sessions and audit logging features, and brings numerous other improvements. See the release notes for the full list of changes.