In every non-trivial application you’ll have to do something that is just slow. You need to export a large data set to a CSV file. An analyst needs a complicated Excel report. Or maybe you have to connect to an external API and process a whole bunch of data.
Naming presenters can be challenging. By shifting our perspective to look at what abstraction we are representing rather than the data being presented, we can bring clarity to our presenters, views, and models.
In the past few weeks, I tried to find a way to debug more effectively. In this post, I will share the reason why it is so hard to improve our debugging skills and how I come up with another approach to tackle this issue.
Sorbet is fast. Numerous of our early users commented specifically on how fast it was, and how much they appreciated this speed. Our informal benchmarks on Stripe’s codebase clocked it as typechecking around 100,000 lines of code per second per core, making it one of the fastest production typecheckers we are aware of.
Pragli's A/V communication is inspired by a walkie-talkie, rather than a phone call. In this article, I'll explain why we chose a walkie-talkie, some hiccups we ran into when implementing a walkie-talkie, and how it ended up looking in Pragli.
Branching is about isolating change. A branch is, by-design, intended to hide change in one part of the code from other developers. It is antithetical to CI, the clue is in the name “CONTINUOUS INTEGRATION”!
I think that we are in the same state as surgeons in the 1850s. Today, there is no reputable surgeon in the world that does not wash their hands before surgery now.