The world is complex and we can’t make the complexity go away. The art is in distributing the complexity throughout the code such that a human can understand what the application does, in spite of the complexity.
Many apps have test suites that run exponentially slower as business complexity grows. This is painful to developer productivity and resource efficiency. In this piece, I’ll show you how I’ve made my tests run 70% faster by changing a few lines.
With HTTP/1.1 it was required to open 1 TCP connection per request, with HTTP/2 1 connection is opened per domain. Instead of delegating parallelism to compound documents, we can now actually rely on the protocol itself to handle this.
Having your code reviewed can be daunting. But it can also be very helpful. As reviewers, we can make the difference. Here are five tips to make your code reviews more helpful to the author.
"It’s not about Fridays. It’s about having a healthy ecosystem and feedback loop where you trust your deploys, where deploys aren’t a big deal, and they never cause engineers to have to work outside working hours."