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Jun 4
Jun 18
Jun 11 2019
Rails 6 boot sequence
What is Ruby doing on Rails?
Hello, you're reading Infinum Ruby Drops, bringing you the latest Ruby and Rails related news straight to your inbox every week.
Rails 6 boot sequence
Have you ever wondered how your Rails application boots? I mean, when you execute rails server, what happens?
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A simple guide to add 2FA to your user's authentication API in Ruby on Rails
We'll learn by doing, to add 2FA security feature to your user's authentication API in Ruby on Rails.
Enumerate your enums
Rails defaults can lead you astray when creating enum attributes. This guide will show you an easier and less error-prone way that leverages custom enum types in Postgres.
Scalable Ruby — Concurrency and Parallelism Explained
What's the difference between concurrency and parallelism and how do we achieve both in Ruby?
Ruby singleton_class
Let’s learn about singleton_class with an example.
Beyond Ruby
You Need Better Senior Software Developers
In this article I’ll dive into three areas where seniors provide the most value, namely mentoring, acceleration and perspective.
Ruby to Elixir - A Paradigm shift!
Wanna know my experience of getting introduced to elixir after working with Ruby and Rails for more than 2.5 years?
Blast from the past
Kent Beck — Explore, Expand, Extract; TCR and Limbo!
Are you brave enough to try
test && commit || revert
Rails is f*cking boring! I love it.
Why basing your product on a lame technology is good and how startups outperform big players with boring technology.
Gem of the week
Automatically add foreign key constraints to your rails db.
Previous Issues
Feb 5
Ransacking your password reset tokens
Jan 8
Reliving Your Happiest HTTP Interactions with Ruby’s VCR Gem
Dec 21
Active Record, nice and blended
Dec 4
Integrations on Rails: How we build and deploy integrations
Nov 23
Custom Fields: Give Your Customers the Fields They Need
Oct 26
Finding Relationships Between Ruby’s Top 100 Packages and Their Dependencies
Oct 19
ViewComponent in the Wild I: building modern Rails frontends
Oct 2
Spending Too Much Money is the Best Problem to Have
Aug 28
Debugging Ruby on Rails with Visual Studio Code: Rails 7 and Ruby 3.1 are making life a lot easier
Aug 3
Scaling Sidekiq at Gusto
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