What is Ruby doing on Rails?
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Implementing authentication with Auth0 and Rails 6
Authentication is verifying that somebody really is who they claim to be. Using Auth0, a third-party service, let’s implement an identification process for users of our application
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There are many ActiveRecord changes in Rails 6. We will look into some of them which are as below.#pick, #create_or_find_by/! Negative scopes for all enum values and Configurable implicit order column.

In this article I will explain how you can dual boot your application in your local environment and your CI server. I hope that this will help you get ready for the next stable release of Rails

I’m delighted to announce that ReachLocal were kind enough to contribute the RSpec style guide to the RuboCop HeadQuarters organization, where it joins the ranks of the popular and widely adopted Ruby and Rails community style guides
Sidekiq is a critical component of many Rails applications therefore its metrics should be appropriately collected
Beyond Ruby
I was programming alone in my apartment — the GPU heating my cold apartment, a few days stubble on my face, and my last human interaction eight days before — when burnout hit me.
Ahh…the question we all struggle with: Microservices or Monolith? OK, not really. More than likely, wherever you work you will find examples of both
Blast from the past
Lets understand the challenge of changing a Rails database without introducing any downtime with a simple, apparently harmless migration
Gem of the week
Full-Featured ElasticSearch Ruby Client with a Chainable DSL