I’ve been working on building a compacting garbage collector in Ruby for a while now, and one of the biggest hurdles for implementing a compacting GC is updating references. For example, if Object A points to Object B, but the compacting GC moves Object B, how do we make sure that Object A points to the new location?
One of the hardest things about building a startup is handling the rapid growth in team and technology. The best way to build software with a team of three engineers is different than with ten engineers, or twenty, or fifty
Redux is a popular state management for JavaScript applications these days and at its heart it’s actually just a simple data store. So how is Redux store different?
Once you have a talk idea, it's time to build the talk. Conference talks are scary, so you'll want to avoid it. You'll silently make slides or silently write an outline
It occurred to me recently that my experience as a Rails developer may be somewhat unique. I often get brought in to help preexisting Ruby/Rails projects evolve and mature in a sustainable way