In this article, I'll write about few things I like about Ecto that aren't available in Active Record. It’s not meant to be a “Phoenix is better than Rails” rant as both frameworks provide really great things and we can all learn from each of them
The formal definition is that it encapsulates a request as an object, thereby letting you parameterize other objects with different requests, queue or log requests, and support undoable operations
In part 1 we have covered antipatterns related to stubbing and problem with implementation details that are a overcomplicated just for the sake of being super easy to tests. In second part we are going to focus more on tests themselves
In theory, you can run both Rails web server and Sidekiq process on one 512mb Heroku dyno. For side projects with small traffic, saving $7/month always comes in handy.
One of the most prominent mistakes made by development teams is doing too much work. Last time you were in crunch mode on a project, did you think “this is going great”?
My RailsConf 2014 "all the little things" talk included a section where I asserted: duplication is far cheaper than the wrong abstraction. And in the summary, I went on to advise: prefer duplication over the wrong abstraction.