If you've ever used Sidekiq, you might have experienced a worker hanging and cloging your queues. Checkout how the engineering team building VTS handles this with a little help of New Relic.
A new course by Ben Orenstein, the author of Upcase. It's for you if you've worked on a Rails app long enough to see development slow down and if shipping features faster is a priority. Because great code ships faster.
An intro to CQRS - the Command Query Responsibility Segregation. It's the notion that you can use a different model to update information than the model you use to read information. Martin Fowler talks about the benefits and potential risk due to this approach.
2 months ago we already covered Bootsnap in our Gem of the week section, however we're honouring it again since it became a part of the Rails default Gemfile.
Curated by Infinum's Rails team.
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