At Ruby Kaigi 2016, Koichi Sasada — designer of the current Ruby virtual machine and garbage collector — presented his proposal for a new concurrency model in Ruby 3. The result was a proposal for a new concurrent and parallel mechanism called Guilds.
"Build a microservice and expose an API." That would be the quick answer if you ask any developer how to share business logic between applications. Although it makes sense in many number of situations, it's not a good answer all the time.
In this post, I will focus on the parallel rendering. Yes, that's right, parallel rendering in Rails. Although, it may sound advanced the concepts behind it are extremely simple. This post however is only relevant to web page rendering.
The counter cache feature has been in Rails since the early days. It is a strategy to efficiently display a count of related records for each item in a list.
I love writing Elixir and Phoenix, but many of my clients have existing legacy Rails applications that have been running in production for years. Doing a full rewrite of all of their systems at once is time-consuming, expensive and potentially dangerous.
Like any growing software company, we here at Greenhouse have technical debt. Face it: we all do. In our quest to reduce it, we recently completed an upgrade of our main software from Rails 3.2 to Rails 4.2.