A few times in the past I've had to interact with IMAP via Ruby, and wrapping your head around its API is not so easy. Not only is the IMAP API a bit obscure and cryptic, but Ruby's IMAP documentation is not so great either.
In Ruby land, monkey patching is the act of modifying the methods on someone else’s class.Ruby makes it easy to add, remove, and replace methods on any class – even core classes like Array – but it is generally frowned upon.
In this article we will go through some know the trade-offs between having and not having an index. Or why an index on a low-cardinality column might not help.
In this short article I describe how to use Sphinx and Thinking Sphinx (v3) in a Ruby on Rails application to index the same ActiveRecord model with separate criterias using two indices.
emple is an abstraction and a framework for compiling templates to pure Ruby. It's all about making it easier to experiment, implement and optimize template languages.
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