We’ve all been at this point where we have bloated our classes with primitive values all over the place. Usually, we drop in primitive constants. Or sometimes, we just dump primitive values instead of small objects. But, does it always make sense?
Redis is a free and open-source in-memory key-value store, similar to Memcached with the main difference of being persisted to disk and having more data types. In this article you will see an introduction on how to interact with Redis using Ruby.
A greenfield Rails application has a few conventional rake tasks but it rarely stays like that–as it grows the development team adds custom tasks that end up mixed with the default ones and the ones added by gems and engines.
The majority of blog posts, articles and forums suggest to add an index on a column in the table, but the theory behind adding indexes goes much deeper. Through this blog post, I'll explain what to do and what not to do in different scenarios.
No one likes downtime, no one likes cranky users, and no one enjoys angry managers. So the act of deploying new code to production tends to be a pretty stressful process.