Let's look at some ways that your team can become comfortable with deploying, releasing and operating software, which will improve not only your time to market, but your software's quality, reliability and user experience. The fear of Friday deploys can become a thing of the past.
In this tutorial, I’ll describe a couple of non-obvious Ruby on Rails mistakes that could bring down your production system. They are so sneaky that they could get past the review process of even more experienced developers. Please don't ask me how I know them.
In his books, Tornhill discuses multiple evolutions on the same basic idea - files that change often tend to be the ones where most issues occur, hence the need to change.
Explaining the difference between Mock Objects and Stubs (together with other forms of Test Double). Also the difference between classical and mockist styles of unit testing.
ThoughtWorks has had success in using agile methods for offshore development, but we've learned several lessons based on putting effort into ensuring good communication.